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Reading Time

Reading time of the post can be read from frontmatter.readingTime in PostLayout or accessed as readingTime in MDX.

Reading time object for this post looks like this:

  "text": "1 min read",
  "minutes": 0.12,
  "time": 7200,
  "words": 24

Reading time of the post can be read from `frontmatter.readingTime` in
_PostLayout_ or accessed as `readingTime` in MDX.
Reading time object for this post looks like this:
<Code>{JSON.stringify(readingTime, null, 2)}</Code>
Reading time of the post can be read from `frontmatter.readingTime` in
_PostLayout_ or accessed as `readingTime` in MDX.
Reading time object for this post looks like this:
<Code>{JSON.stringify(readingTime, null, 2)}</Code>